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Life Lessons at Home: Exploring Homeschooling and Holistic Parenting - SE3EP13 - Angelica Stevenson

Today, we're excited to welcome Angelica Stevenson, a multi-award-winning author, counsellor, and mother of seven. Angelica's unique approach to parenting and self-improvement, combined with her talents in writing and her holistic program, Higher Connections & Communications, offers a fresh perspective on parenting in our digital era. Let's explore her journey and insights.
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Welcome to the Parenting in the Digital Age podcast. Many parents are concerned that their child might be falling behind. Others are just looking for ways to help their children thrive, not just in the classroom, but socially and well into their future careers. Each episode we explore the challenges facing parents in the modern world, from behavior, education, and nutrition to device and gaming addiction. We interview a range of leaders in the area of childhood development to help you successfully navigate parenting in the digital age. Here is your host, Jamie Buttigieg.

Jamie (00:00.918)
Hello and welcome to Parenting in a Digital Age, the podcast where we delve into the unique challenges and opportunities of raising children in today's fast paced tech driven world. Each episode features conversations with experts and thought leaders who provide actionable guidance and practical insights for navigating life as modern parents. Today we have Angelica Stevenson, a multi award winning author, counselor and mother of seven.
Angelica's unique approach to parenting and self-improvement, combined with her talents in writing and her holistic program called Higher Connections and Communications, offers a fresh perspective on parenting in our digital era. Let's explore her journey and insights.
Jamie (00:00.814)
Hello, Angelica. Thanks for joining us. Please share with our listeners in your own words, what you do and what you are passionate
Angelica Stevenson (00:07.838)
Yes, hi Jamie. Thank you for having me. Hi listeners. My name is Angelica Stevenson. I am a mother, wife, homeschooler of six children but mother of seven. I had a miscarriage in 2015 but she's always part of our life so and I am also a award-winning author and I teach from my program Higher Connections and Communications to help parents
to help parents be at one with themselves, to help parents be more connected to themselves so they can connect to their children and have better communicative relationships so they can accomplish their goals and dreams because though we're a family, it's not a me thing or a mom thing, it's a family thing and we still all got our goals and dreams that the parents can still do while helping the children to accomplish their goals and dreams as well.
Jamie (01:01.154)
Fantastic. So starting with the basics, maybe share a bit about your background. How did you end up where you are and writing books and helping parents?
Angelica Stevenson (01:10.41)
Wow, so my first, my introduction to writing was literally love at first write. Like I, my English teacher Mr. Hart in middle school had us do a poetry assignment and I was one of those, I wasn't very popular so I didn't want to do it. You know, I didn't want to stand up and share it but when I finally did I felt like I had an odd-body experience, out-of-body experience. But when I came back I realized something happened and it literally
And at that moment in time, I vowed I was going to use my writings to help people, no matter what I went through, good or bad. So ever since middle school, I've always helped people. I've always spoken poetry, I've always had people come up to me and whether they were adults or children. And I called myself the street counselor, because I was literally on the streets counseling people. And then as I became a mother, you know, that helped me to focus to help.
parents more as I started to learn the type of mom that I wanted to be when I first became a mother, how I started on that path, but then got off on that path, and then got back on it again by changing the way I think, the way I speak, and the way I act.
Jamie (02:25.762)
A little bit about your mission when I was doing some pre-show research. Your website says that your mission is about walking in one's soul, in one's soul's purpose. What does that mean?
Angelica Stevenson (02:39.726)
So the soul is, well there's the Bible verse, you know, God breathed into the body, it became a living soul. And then there's the soul, it's the animating life in the body. So our soul is what we're put on this earth to do. So we have a purpose, we all have a purpose on this earth to do. And I'm here to help people walk in that purpose. And it says to complete and fulfill your life's mission.
So whatever's going on in your life or your life leads you, you have a mission. So I have a mission as a mom, I have a mission as a woman, I have a mission as a wife, a mother, you know, as an author. These are all part missions in my life that I need to fulfill and complete with the gifts, the talents, and the powers that I was born with.
Jamie (03:22.302)
Interesting. And it's interesting, this notion of purpose and one's mission in life. We'll get to parenting in a second, but, you know, what advice do you have for people who might be out there struggling, you know, trying to feeling like they have no purpose or no sense of, you know, understanding of their mission? Well, how do you help people find that?
Angelica Stevenson (03:42.702)
To do that, it goes back to taking them back within inside themselves. That's one of the levels in my program. We have to go back to what you love, what you're naturally good at, and basically cleaning out your mindset, like cleaning out what was put into your mind and put back in what you want to put in. And just getting back to knowing who you are. And if that means letting go of old thoughts, let go of it. Old relationships, let go of it.
you know, and old speaking to know what your purpose is. Cause you do have a purpose. Like people are all people are gifts to the earth and they just need to unwrap themselves. So everybody else can be why they were present here.
Jamie (04:26.834)
It's such an important thing for people to do in, you know, discovering their purpose or their, you know, their mission in life. I think it's so critical for mental health and for all other things in life. But I think there are certainly some people that struggle with that. So getting back to what you love and understanding is certainly helpful. Homeschooling, let's talk about parenting for a second. You've got six kids with us and
They're all homeschooled, is that right?
Angelica Stevenson (04:56.976)
Yes all six of my children are home school.
Jamie (05:00.066)
Fantastic. Okay. Well, talk to me about homeschooling. What are some of the challenges of being a homeschool and a homeschool teacher and mom? And then we'll talk about the flip side. What are some of the wonderful benefits and experiences you've had in that same area?
Angelica Stevenson (05:15.694)
But so one of the main challenges I have for being a homeschool mom is sticking to how I went to homeschool, how I want to educate my children. And it's not me, I'm getting over it. And I was so to that I am combining it with what they want to do because all my children already know what their career path is. Like I've raised them from the womb.
Angelica Stevenson (05:44.13)
So the way I do it is I teach them according to their career choice, what their natural gifts are and what they love. So the challenge is to make sure that I'm still doing that while they're still keeping up with what's required for their career choice if they do decide to go to college or when they do wanna get a job and to make sure it still lines up with what my husband wants them to know as well. And...
the time, make sure I manage my time well, you know, I'm more of the, I go with the flow. That's who I am. So it's all about balance, balance with how I am, with what my children need. So it all works out perfectly.
Jamie (06:27.214)
So can I ask about what is the age range of your children?
Angelica Stevenson (06:30.27)
Yes, they are. They'll have birthday this year. So they're 12 10 9 7 5 and 2. Years age.
Jamie (06:39.866)
And you said something interesting. You said your kids kind of know what they want to do as a career. How did that come about? And, you know, are they, what if they change their mind? Or is this just, you know, finding something they're interested in at a moment in time that can change? Like talk me through that.
Angelica Stevenson (06:55.434)
Yeah, no problem. So I'm good at observing and analyzing and connecting. And I've watched my children, when they're young, to see what they're naturally drawn to, what they're naturally come naturally without being taught. That's a gift, a natural gift. And I'm artistic, my husband's artistic, so of course art is one of them in some way, shape, or form. So observing that and then giving them the freedom to be it and do it and see where it takes them is very important.
And yes, sometimes it does change. Like my eldest son, Alexander, he's naturally gifted at musical DJ and rapping. He's also naturally good at building. Like he built a whole city at a cardboard box. So engineering. And then I also see how he's all about writing truths and making sure people follow corrections. I think you'd make a great job someday. No, but then he loves trains. He taught himself about trains. So it's, it's knowing that.
I see what they're naturally good at, but not keeping it restricted there, allowing them to grow and see what they're, as they develop, what they grow to and keep that and combine it together as well. Because one day he could be a judge that does engineering training, driving trains on the side while making his own music. You know, you never know.
Jamie (08:17.934)
The sky is the limit. It's a wonderful philosophy. Definitely a wonderful philosophy. So talk about some of the wonderful observations of being a homeschooling parent. What are some of the great outcomes or experiences or just some wonderful outcomes that you've experienced as a homeschooling mom?
Angelica Stevenson (08:37.933)
I've experienced, that's a great question. So I've experienced how I'm able to take my time and let them take their time. Like I don't have to rush and force them and push them ahead to another subject just to keep them moving forward. Because unfortunately, some school systems do that. And that's not helpful in the long run to my children. So I like I can be able to slow down and have them take their time, whether they're keeping up or not.
doesn't matter about them because it's their life. I love that they are able to be free in their own learning. So we also do unschooling where the child learns based on their interests and their passion. And it takes them to sometimes questions I may never thought of or might not. We're not there yet, but they want to be there. And it just helps me to be, to.
what it is to be human, to live free. You know, children are all free, they're not restricted, and I love seeing that freedom, because it reminds me to be free and not be so restricted to society's guidelines and norms, so to speak, to just be who you are and live. And those are like the main lessons that I get from my children when I watch them and when I school them and being able to put it all together and have them help teach each other.
You know, the elders will teach the youngest and sometimes the youngest will teach my oldest because my son was five. He's a great speller. He be teaching them how to spell word. They be asking them, hey, how do you spell this word? And he tells them how to spell it. Very cool.
Jamie (10:19.498)
That's fantastic. And you're so right, you know, not through the fault of our wonderful educators and teachers, but the system is fundamentally flawed. You know, broken is a strong word, but it's definitely flawed. There are some challenges there and it does kind of constrain our children's thoughts, you know, and put guardrails around what potentially they believe could be possible within themselves and off the world. So I think you've come to a wonderful
Angelica Stevenson (10:37.166)
Angelica Stevenson (10:43.648)
Thank you.
Jamie (10:48.702)
and view on that Angelica. You talk about the healing healed mother. So can you elaborate on what being the healing healed mother means to you and potentially how it shapes your parenting journey?
Angelica Stevenson (11:02.008)
Yes, the healing healed mother is one of my four expressions that I use under the angelic expressive connections brands, channel and podcast. And that came to me when I realized I was not being a parent that I really wanted to be when I got for it, when I first got pregnant.
I got away from it and I was sad. I felt very sad, regrettable, but I realized it's not done yet. I'm still alive. My children are still here. So the healing heal mother, so it's the healing recognizing that I need healing and healing is on the way. Well, also I mean, I've already been healed and I continue to be healed from things as a child, things as an adult, as a woman, and even parenting actions I may have done.
and will do or hope won't do, but if they ever come to pass, I am in the journey of always healing and being healed to be the best mother that I can be for them and for myself.
Jamie (12:00.878)
It's exceptional. Skipping back to homeschooling for just a second, as a parent in a digital age, how do you manage your children's engagement with technology?
Angelica Stevenson (12:12.182)
Oh man, that's a great question. When they were younger, there was little to none electronic. All we had was the tv and I used like youtube and movies. Like Have Fun Teaching is a great channel. I'm not going to pay to mention that, but that was a great channel to learn and have LeapFrog and then I used movies like Monster High to teach my children and then later you know I
learned about other curriculums like ABC mountains. I'm like, okay, so I got them some little Kindle tablets. I said, okay, this is just for this only. You know, because it's very important to know what goes into our children's brain. And I was like, hey, it's my job to protect what goes in because they don't have their filter yet. And it's my job to filter that as best as I possibly can. And now that they're older, they all got their own tablets. You know, we add a game on here and there, you know.
Like, can we get more games or you gotta delete one? You know, if you have certain hours and time. So it's still about balance, always about balance. Yes, I know my children want to be on electronics but at the same time I need them to understand. It's for learning purposes only. It's not a need, it's a want. You can learn without it. Go big, go outside and be a child. We're gonna go outside and be a human being. So we do, I do have sex.
time on when they can be on their electronics for learning and then also for free time and I monitor what they're actually doing on their electronics as well.
Jamie (13:47.298)
Sounds like a sensible approach. And I love that call back to old school parenting, if you like. I think it should just be parenting 101 is get outside and explore, just go and climb a tree and, you know, find a friend in the street, just find a random kid and say hi. And you know, that's kind of what we did. And some of that is somewhat lost today in this digital world when kids are getting caught up in technology as their friend or technology as their social connections. And I think that's, you know, look, oh.
Angelica Stevenson (14:01.378)
Jamie (14:14.322)
I'm in the world of teaching kids tech and coding and things like that. I want to help kids have a healthier relationship with tech. But, you know, I think that, you know, that unrestricted view or the, you know, seeing kids forge relates and where their only relationships are online, I think it's a scary and slippery slope for many. You talked about encouraging your children to pursue their own interests, which is a really important point, an interesting point.
Angelica Stevenson (14:19.559)
That's awesome.
Angelica Stevenson (14:38.446)
Thank you.
Jamie (14:42.826)
How do you encourage that specifically like to a parent that sort of hears that and goes, yeah, like I want to encourage my kids to pursue their interests. Like, you know, how do you do that?
Angelica Stevenson (14:52.23)
Okay, great question. So first you have to know what they're interested in. That may sound like duh, common sense, but some parents don't know what their child is interested in. So it's definitely take a moment just to do your school breaks to observe your child, what they do, and let them just talk to you and just let them listen, you know, and find out what interests them. What do they get excited about? What do they get happy about?
and then find tasks or not tasks like lessons or games or things around your community to feel that interest to give fire to that it was and actually do it with them like you ain't got to understand if this is like things my son talks about i don't know and understand but i still am interested in because she is you know so i know what they're interested in and i look and i look and i search for activities in our community or even online
to help with their interest, whether it may be a class, whether it may be going out to a community event. Like for instance, my son, he is interested in being a construction, been involved to a construction driver. So we went to this event for organizations, for their employees to learn more about the safety of construction. And I didn't know it was like that, but when I went there,
People are looking at me like, what is this woman doing here with her five children or six children? Like, what is going on? But they just let us be there. And we just listened, we asked questions. They're like, wow, your children are very wise. They know some stuff about this. I'm like, yeah. You know, it's just things like, it's opportunities and actions like that take your child's sights and their interactions and their relationships and their communications and their life to a whole new level where they won't think, oh, all I have is just this book.
or just the screening or just what the school is telling you there's so much opportunities out there. I just got to get up myself and put in the work and go find it and it will be there.
Jamie (16:57.662)
That's certainly a fascinating approach. What advice would you have? Like let's say I'm a traditional parent, my kids go to a normal kind of school, but it's really interesting for me and many other parents I'm sure, looking in at a homeschooling family and hearing those benefits, and hearing those outcomes, seeing the engagement, because there are obvious benefits, right? There's no question. So what advice would you have to maybe a traditional parent who's considering homeschooling?
Or parents who think, well, I've got a career, I can't possibly homeschool. You know, who think they can't, but maybe can. Well, give us some advice here for those who are curious, but think that it may not be possible for them.
Angelica Stevenson (17:33.859)
Angelica Stevenson (17:41.326)
Got it. So first and foremost, just traditional school and if you said there's nothing wrong with it, just don't leave the teaching up to the to the teachers. You know, parents, you are their first teacher no matter what and take some time like when you have your days off or your vacation times to go on a field trip, to go on a vacation and incorporate what they're learning on something new into.
your daily activity like shopping is one of them that help them scan some groceries help them know how much to pay the person like I incorporate teaching into everything that we do in some way should perform to help them get practice at it when it comes to homeschooling it is for some people and it isn't for others you know that's okay as a parent as a not as a parent as a person first you need to be honest with yourself about who you are
Because that does play an effect to how you are as a parent, which will then play an effect into how you teach. If you're a person who really doesn't like being accountable for somebody, doesn't like teaching people, whether they're a child or not, then don't be a homeschool teacher. I mean, don't homeschool. That's okay. Just incorporate more lessons, more learning outside of school to process, to help them process and get more. So I would say test it out first. If when you have winter breaks,
or whatever breaks you have in your school year, test it out first during that time. Take a day and see how you would use that day as being a homeschooler. If it's good, great. Take another day, include your work schedule in that day, you know, and see how you would do as a homeschooler. And see the outcome, see the benefits. Now make that lift positive or negative and see how it outweighs.
And I always believe that you will always do what's best for your child. And sometimes doing what best for your child is getting people who know the information better than you teach them while you are on the guidelines. Like my sister, she's a teacher. She's a great teacher and she still lets her children, her child go to school, but she's always on point with going up to the talk and to the teachers. If something's happening, she's up there asking questions. You know, she has a relationship with them and that's what's important. It's just always being involved.
Angelica Stevenson (20:06.114)
in your child's academic education whether it's at home or in a traditional school building or a private school. Just always be involved.
Jamie (20:17.13)
Yeah, some important, I'm writing notes madly here because there are some good points there to unpack, you know, you've got, first of all, don't leave the teaching to the teacher. So many parents I even see through our own learning centers, just kind of, you know, dropping the kid off and kind of that's it. You know, you do the teaching and we see that in the school system. So first of all, don't, don't leave the teaching of the teachers. Great philosophy just to have up in your brain as a parent.
And this notion of incorporating teaching into daily activities, you know, like you only need to walk through the shopping center these days. And it can be a sad sight, you know, like seeing moms, but a kid in a stroller or a cram or a trolley just on their phones, just walk. Just they're there to get the chores done. And the kids are just sort of tagging along with, you know, but incorporating the kids in those daily activities, like give the kid $10 and say, go and find me this, this and this.
Angelica Stevenson (21:04.162)
Angelica Stevenson (21:13.618)
Jamie (21:13.998)
find me the best price on these and go and get them and bring them back to the trolley and buy them. You let them have that human exchange with the checkout person and, or the automated checkout, sending them on missions to ask questions or find out things about products, whatever. But perhaps there's for some parents who maybe love the idea of homeschooling, but maybe don't have the ability, the skillset or the career doesn't perhaps permit it. I get that.
Angelica Stevenson (21:17.641)
Jamie (21:43.882)
But I wrote something down here and what it says, have a homeschooling approach to parenting. Have a homeschooling approach. So I love that idea of getting your kids out for a field trip. Don't let your kids be a passive passenger in life. So thank you for sharing. There were some good things to unpack there. Let's see, I've got something here. You're talking about movies and film reviews. How do you incorporate that in the parenting?
Angelica Stevenson (21:57.817)
Angelica Stevenson (22:01.454)
Thank you.
Angelica Stevenson (22:12.811)
Ah, that's good. So I mentioned before like when I first started homeschooling or unschooling we watched Monster High and I love those movies and I basically would ask questions about it like that would test their critical thinking and they're comprehensive of what they're watching or what they're putting in their brains and finding the lessons that they can get out of it like the Great Scurrier Reef
You know, that was a lesson of one of the characters, be able to be confident in themselves, be able to overcome and let go of past fright that happened so she can be her best self now. You know, that's something that we all deal with in our daily lives to let go of past situations, learn to forgive people. And then movie reviews, like I watched,
Guardians of the Galaxy and I had one of my episodes is talking about It's called honor among thieves and it talks about how you can be honorable how thieves are on we can leave on how to be honorable By learning from three learning from thieves and in it I said that There is a phrase that people like to say actions speak louder than words that leaves you imbalanced Your actions and your words should always align
They should unite. You should be saying what you're going to do, then do what you're going to say. Because if not, you're imbalanced. So I teach my children, you need to say what you're going to do and do what you're going to say. If not, then don't say it, then don't do it. Think before you speak. So being aligned and have to make sure our actions and our words line up is one very important lesson that I teach my children. Because before physical contracts, like paper contracts, that phrase, my word is my bond.
And I want my children to know, hey, you're going to say, you're going to do something. Well, the person that I'm going to do it, it could take me some time. I'm doing it, but it's coming. Let your word be by your bond. Stand by your word. Stand by what you do. Whether the consequences are good or bad, you know, you have made a mistake, still stand by it. Learn from it and just do better next time.
Jamie (24:26.158)
Yeah, I think there's still some truth to actions, speak louder than words though. Like, uh, I, two, 2000% agree that you've got to stand by your word and do what you say, walk the walk and walk the talk we say in our household. But, you know, I think when it comes to contribution, humility, being humble, uh, you know, the actions can speak louder than words. So literally how we contribute to society without advertising and without big noting ourselves.
Angelica Stevenson (24:37.986)
Thank you.
Jamie (24:51.85)
Let our actions speak for who we are as a human and what we represent. So I think that there's still an ounce of truth in that, but, uh, but I, but I do get, do get where you're going. Let's talk about self care for a minute or self-improvement. That's something that's clearly important to you in what I read. Um, you know, how do you model self-improvement to your kids? Uh, like how do you teach them about this constant learning and development? What, what, what are your own self care or self-improvement practices?
Angelica Stevenson (24:54.72)
Thank you.
Angelica Stevenson (24:58.094)
Angelica Stevenson (25:19.158)
Great question. One of the actions I installed in my children when they were younger is a way to deal with their emotions is by taking self-time. So they know how to do self-time. They don't say, hey, I need some self-time. My son was five, like I need some self-time. My children were four. I need some self-time, mom, right now. I'm feeling upset or they're feeling angry or they're not able to think clearly enough. Take self-time, take a time to yourself for as long as you need to.
to get back in order, to get back in control, and then come back to what you were doing, because you can't take back the words that you say, the actions that you do, and the consequences that come from them. So self-time is very important in our family, and being able to tell each other when we need self-time or advise it. Like my children have to say, hey mom, I think you need self-time. When they see me getting a little bit overwhelmed, like, hey mom, go take a break. I'm like, hey, thanks.
I'm like, hey, don't tell me that I'm your mom, but I will in a moment. Thanks. You know, I, I acknowledge it while still feeling how I'm feeling and be like, you're right. And then I come back and say, Hey, thank you for that. But, um, doing actions that you love, that bring you happiness, um, basic, you know, hygiene care, washing your bodies or teeth or hair, face, eating right, drinking water.
and doing what you love, what makes you happy. These are all aspects that incorporate self care or self love or putting yourself first and balance while still helping other people too.
Jamie (27:02.642)
Yeah, well said. And it is important to model what we're expecting or we're trying to build and grow in our own kids. Before I ask my favorite question on every podcast, tell us a little bit about your program or your book or both. Just give our listeners a bit more insight as to what you do and perhaps how they might want to connect with you.
Angelica Stevenson (27:23.766)
Got it great question. Thank you. So my program is called higher connections and communications. It's been in the work since like I said middle school. I didn't realize it until like 2019 that I was living it. It's a lifestyle where you learn how to go higher within yourself by first connecting to who you are, knowing that you are connected to all creation, and then communicating and receiving communications from all creation as well. So it's an eight level program. And
It's designed and it counsels you. It literally helps you be better. It helps you to change who you are from the inside out, whether it's an old mindset, words, actions, thoughts, family relationships. It helps you to see these in a different way and to go above what you're actually saying or to go higher than what somebody else has told you so that you can see and get a different outcome than what you want. And it's...
And it's great for any age. Like I had my children when I was on Instagram, they helped top my program based on their understanding at the time and what it meant to them. And they still continue to learn from it. Like one of the levels is called, I'm working with the title, keep messing with it, but it's basically about your self powers, like that self leadership, self accountability. So each day I'm like, what self power are you gonna use today?
and how are you going to use it? Well, I'm going to use self-leadership. I'm going to use self-control to keep my emotions in check. I'm going to use self-strength. So I'm like, okay, that's good. And then we talk about the different power tools that you have to use and to create your life, how to change, how you see to manifest, how do you do that. They know about the different areas of your life. Because if you didn't know, all our human areas can be considered that 12 categories, that's it.
And they're aware of this now. So they know how to balance each of those categories and how to treat themselves and others to live a life of right balance because I like I like Karma. I do believe in Karma. You know what you put out is what you get at what you get back. So know what you want so you can put that out and so you can get it back and that's what my series the Karmatic way series.
Angelica Stevenson (29:49.15)
is about the first book is side effects. I basically took that phrase, karma is a blank, a female dog, you know? And I turned her and I broke down her etymological definition about what she is and how she's able to, and she starts speaking and teaching. And the lives of four women who are getting affected by their parents' karma, consequences later, during an investigation, but their parents are dead.
So they have to figure out how to navigate and still get their own goals and dreams while still dealing with their parents' consequences. And that's, I feel like that's very important. We need to understand that our actions affect now and in the future and in the future. So we do our best to get it now and learn how to change our situation so when those consequences do go back, or come back, we can deal with it the best way that we have and know how to change them to get what we want.
Jamie (30:47.786)
And the program Angelica, is it alive in person? Is it online? Is it a self-paced program? Like what does that look like?
Angelica Stevenson (30:57.034)
It is actually it's not completely online. I teach it. It's in my books. It's in my podcast when I when I get my new speaking or presentations. I do teach it. I teach it either from all the levels are from one level at a time or from a lesson in the level. Right now. I'm on a direct contact booking.
right now only because I'm focusing on my family first, you know, so I'm balancing it by hey, I am available booking, contact me directly and let me know what you want and we'll work together and I will present to you a unique presentation like specifically for your event, for your theme and I give that to you for you to keep or for your audience to use to help achieve the goal at hand.
and the higher connections and communications program will help them to do it.
Jamie (31:58.69)
Fantastic. And where can people find your books?
Angelica Stevenson (32:02.398)
Great question. My books are available online. Oh, yeah. Online at Amazon. You can go to my solo page solo.2 forward slash Angelica Stevenson. That's my poet and writer, you know page and then for the speaking and teaching page that's solo.2 forward slash higher living. For the higher program.
Jamie (32:27.426)
Fantastic. We'll put those in the show notes as well. Okay, fun question. So if we had a time machine, a hypothetical time machine, theoretical time machine, one that you could travel back to your 12 year old younger self, what would Angelica say to the young Angelica? As give one piece of advice, you got one shot. What would you say?
Angelica Stevenson (32:50.686)
Jamie (32:53.711)
You give no advice. This is the first time I've heard this on a podcast. No advice to your younger self.
Angelica Stevenson (32:58.99)
No, I wouldn't. And I've thought about that so many times because there are some things I would love to take back or change or do differently. But then I realized all of that has been made up to be who I am today. And if I happen to do that, then what if something changes? What if I don't have my children? Like with my son, my eldest.
Angelica Stevenson (33:23.734)
He's the one that brought me and his dad together. Like I had a dream about his dad before I met him and it was a scary dream. You know, it wasn't one of those, oh, good five, James, that's my, love of my life dream, you know? So if I probably would say something, I would, what I would have said most likely would have stopped that from happening. Then I wouldn't have had my son. And then I wouldn't have had so many great experiences and even the negative experiences, but all to help me to be better and to, you know.
that I am today. So I wouldn't do anything.
Jamie (33:59.178)
That's a wonderful answer and very different to what many of our other guests have given. And I've often said that one day when I get to episode 100, I want to write a book and compile everyone's piece of, because I asked the same question to everyone on the podcast. And there've been some, you know, amazingly insightful as yours is answers and share that advice with the world. You know, these are 100 experts and thought leaders and
beautiful people who are sharing their one most important piece of advice. And that's really interesting. Angelica, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us today. It's been a pleasure having you on the show. I wish we had more time to do some more, but maybe for another podcast. So thanks again for your generosity. And I hope we cross paths again soon.
Angelica Stevenson (34:45.89)
Yes, thank you too. Can I say one more thing I forgot that I mentioned when you mentioned about homeschool and parent? Okay, so parents if you decide to homeschool one of the things I have questions to you about is the cost of curriculum and not be able to have the skills to teach. So there are wonderful programs online that are free to low cost that will teach your child for you that will do what you're unable to do. You just got to search for them.
Jamie (34:50.399)
Of course, of course, of course.
Angelica Stevenson (35:16.686)
and ask people in your homeschooling community what they use because they're out there. I know with me having six children, I search for programs that I can include all of them under one account, one price. And thankfully, I've been guided to them so that they can all use it. So don't let that be a factor to stop you from homeschooling because if you really want to do it, money will come its way because you are money. You can attract money and you have all the access to it.
There you go.
Jamie (35:46.378)
Yeah, well said. And the other good point there is get involved in a homeschool community. Surround yourself with other like-minded parents and caregivers because it's an important resource for that journey. Angelica, thanks again for joining us. Have a wonderful rest of your week and a fantastic Christmas.
Angelica Stevenson (36:01.806)
Thank you to Jamie.
Jamie (36:04.226)
Cheers, bye for now.

If you enjoyed the show, please connect with Jamie on LinkedIn or Instagram. You'll find links in the podcast description. Parenting in the Digital Age is sponsored by Skill Samurai Coding and STEM Academy for Kids. Skill Samurai offers afterschool coding classes and holiday programs to help kids thrive academically and socially while preparing them for the careers of the future. Visit
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