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5 Coding Programs and Platforms for Girls

5 Coding Programs and Platforms for Girls
Kids coding programs are not for boys, but also for your daughter, sister, and any girls out there! So, even authorities built these gender-neutral coding classes for kids perfect for younger ladies. They organised these platforms to welcome girls to try computer programming and STEM-related subjects. 
All these efforts are some given solutions to the well-known gender gap between males and females in programming.
Today, girls can now experience special computer science programs and platforms favourable to them. It will also tickle their interests in programming and robotics. Also, it will teach them the basics of coding while inspiring them to thrive more in coding careers. 
So, if you want your girl to learn to code and start dealing with awesome STEM skills, try the following girls and gender-neutral coding classes for kids. 
#1 100 Girls of Code
The goal of 100 Girls of Code is to inspire girls in taking STEM education while they are young. This organisation introduces coding, programming, engineering, and computer sciences to young ladies out there. It opens a great opportunity for young women to create their path in STEM without any hesitation.
The 100 Girls of Code organisation invests in girls by conducting free workshops. These seminars will teach young women about the basics of coding and let them experience it on-hand. They are also enhancing children’s creativity, logical thinking, and innovative thinking. Through these ways, 100 Girls of Code is to prepare young girl’s minds for the world of coding. 
Today, 100 Girls of Code has 22 chapters in the United States and one in Belize. This growing community is pushing its boundaries to generate more female programmers for the future.
#2 Coding Girls
Another inspiring organisation is the Coding Girls. They are a globally-recognised group of females aiming to close the gender gap in the technological field. They are helping young girls to learn to code today while they develop careers in technology. 
Coding Girls began in a small workshop organised by 16 girls and a boy. Then, they became famous and gained several awards to invite more girls into the tech fields. 
They are now making more activities worldwide to motivate young women in pursuing careers in technology. Coding Girls uses meetups or informational gatherings with experts, workshops for an intense coding discussions, and even courses with complete certifications. 
Other than these, Coding Girls is very active with panel discussions like a fireside chat, roundtable discussions, and even events like hackathons. This group of girls and a boy has grown into a huge organisation that carries women to take technological career paths. 
#3 Girls Who Code
Girls Who Code’s biggest objective is to build the world’s largest pipeline of future female engineers. This nonprofit organisation’s huge intention is to inspire, educate, and prepare young females to take careers in coding and STEM. They want to help these young women get degrees in engineering, computer sciences, and all high-paying jobs in the tech industry. 
To make this happen, Girls Who Code is providing summer immersion programs or 2-week virtual summer programs that tackle the basics of coding for kids. It also reveals the careers to take suitable for technological jobs. Moreover, the organisation also implements Code at Home, even from where parents and teachers are encouraged to practice coding skills at home. Other than that, Girls Who Code provides computer science activities online.
Another inspiring thing about Girls Who Code is its College Loop. It is a program for female alumni to build themselves up as women in technology. It then inspires others as it motivates them.
#4 Code Chix
Besides the strong young female coding class for kids, Code Chix also highlights female empowerment. They boost girls’ confidence to empower women to pursue careers as female leaders, engineers, software developers, and computer scientists. They are helping them bring out the best in these young women’s hearts and minds to jump into the field of technology. 
How Code Chix does this? Code Chix offers courses such as algorithms and data structures, languages, hardware or firmware, and operating systems. These main courses are the organisation’s best assets to vocalise how women can rule in technology extremely. 
Besides that, Code Chix also implements workshops about mobile or graphic design for engineers, toy robots, android installfest and app building, and algorithms and directed acyclic graphs. These intense digital workshops mold young girls’ overall skills in coding and other coding platforms.
#5 Skill Samurai
Other than these girls tech programs, there are other extracurricular activities for kids that focus on kids’ coding classes. One is the Skill Samurai, a kid coding school in Sydney, Australia. 
Skill Samurai is also a gender-neutral kids' coding after-school care program for both young men and women. It helps both boys and girls to try exciting activities for coding and programming for kids. There are also robotics classes for kids and computer classes for kids.
Moreover, it welcomes young ladies to use coding toys and learn from on-hand coding experiences using digital tools and popular games like Minecraft, Roblox, Scratch, and so much more! 
Coding classes for kids in Skill Samurai are mainly focusing on helping both boys and girls to learn the basics of coding. It will also enhance their creativity and other skills related to programming. Through all the on-hand activities provided in the class, your child will master computer science fundamentals. Eventually, they will get to choose from any careers related to this field. 
All girls are welcome in Skill Samurai. They are implementing gender-neutral activities, tasks, and learning environments. It means that your daughter will truly enjoy the coding class for kids!
How to make your girl more interested in coding?
The above discussions of the coding classes for girls are ways to balance the population of men and women in technology. So, letting your young daughter, sister, or any young lady friend try coding programs and coding classes for kids will make a huge difference. 
Sign them up at gender-neutral programs and kids coding schools now
