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85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been created yet. Our schools aren’t teaching the skills kids need. At Skill Samurai, our STEM curriculum and face-to-face coding classes equip kids with life skills to help them thrive both now and in the future.
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Like most parents, we know you're worried about excess screen time this School Holidays.Our camps are a great way to channel an unhealthy obsession and turn it into discovery and learning.
Game Development
Kart Racing with Unity and C#
Minecraft Modding
Junior Astronaut Camp
You Tube Creator
7/3 Packard Ave, Castle Hill. (Near Maxx Music & Heartland Motors)
Monday - Friday 3.00pm-8.30pmSaturday: 8.30 am - 5 pm
Connect with us at Skill Samurai