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How to Teach Kids Coding in Schools and Why is it Important

How to Teach Kids Coding in Schools and Why is it Important

Besides language, art, and literature, schools should also promote kids coding. Why? Teaching coding in school braces modern education as it is extremely befitting for 21st Century learners.

To make these claims more relevant, find out how teaching coding to kids has a powerful impact on one’s life. Moreover, behold the practical techniques of teaching kids coding in schools.

Why teach coding in schools? 

Coding promotes educational technology. Educational technology refers to how schools incorporate technology for teaching and learning. In this case, students will learn through various ways, guaranteeing an active learning environment. Besides that, kids will also enjoy discovering new ideas and experience as they watch video clips, play with electronics, and try hands-on challenges. 

Coding includes all learning styles. If schools add coding in their classes, the whole classroom will promote inclusion and equity. Why? It is because coding is suitable for types of learning style and all levels of multiple intelligences. Coding can also help students with autism, visual impairments, and other special needs to engage in computer sciences training. So, a school with a coding curriculum offers inclusion for all learners. 

Coding makes kids digital creators. Teachers who introduce kids coding to their students train them to become multimedia masters. It enables kids to learn how to build apps, websites, programs, and other games they want. It also allows them to share their talents, ideas, and creativity in computer sciences.

Coding caters to a new type of literacy. Coding in schools gives students opportunities to learn a new language, the language of the computer. Several coding languages are available for kids to discover. If they started to try any of it, it might help them become more inclined to this field.

Coding improves neuroplasticity. Schools need to include neuroplasticity, and coding is one way of it. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain networks to grow and organize information. It also relates to making new connections, systematic adjustments, which are highly required for lifelong learning. So, introducing coding to kids can maintain neuroplasticity in their young minds as they undergo mental development

Coding enhances STEM proficiency. Due to the 21st Century tech advancements, schools are obliged to elevate STEM education to their learners. Kids coding can foster these STEM skills as it caters to machine learning, computer programming, and computer engineering. It also enables learners to love maths, resulting in higher academic performances

Coding prepares kids for career-ready skills. All schools aim for their learners to achieve accomplishments in life. It is guaranteed if they basic coding schools and continue mastering it in their careers. Through this, they can achieve lucrative careers that would pay them high salaries! 

What if kids missed code learning? 

If your learners never receive their rights of learning coding, then it is such a waste of opportunity for them. 

According to Todd Park, a Former U.S. Chief of Technology Officer, “To be prepared for the demands of the 21st century—and to take advantage of its opportunities—it is essential that more of our students today learn basic computer programming skills, no matter what field of work they want to pursue.”

Through these lines, it unarguably agrees how coding takes a massive part of one’s life. It even handles all careers as an umbrella making these professions possible. In this case, teachers, educators, and school personnel are genuinely responsible for teaching coding in schools.

How to begin teaching coding in schools? 

Schools can use varieties of ways to teach coding to their learners. If they excel in their efforts and time to add this to their schools, their students will surely gain more. Here are some of the ways the school can do to introduce kids coding in schools.

Add coding to their curriculum. School personnel and education coordinators could try to input coding into their courses and curriculum. They may also build on computer subjects to promote coding lessons for kids. In this case, learners can enrol in this course and start mastering basic coding and programming.

Include coding in classroom activities. Besides school authorities, teachers and educators could also incorporate coding concepts and principles whilst teaching to their students. For example, during a language class, the teacher may allow their students to make a story with correct and accurate sequencing. Then, they can remind learners how important sequencing is in technology and computer science. 

Train teachers to teach coding. Schools may also add a budget for their teachers to receive proper training in coding. Through this case, teachers can share these lessons with their students and make possible fun and educational coding activities for them. 

Prepare equipment for code learning. To make coding exciting, schools may purchase proper tools and equipment, particularly computers, laptops, and tablets. However, schools may also promote unplugged coding activities only to add materials to their coding lessons. Books, literature, e-book, and other video tutorials are essential to include in the code learning process. But, if you have enough budget, you may invest in robotics and tech toys

Arrange technology events and programs. For a shorter introduction to teaching coding in schools, you may just plan coding events like Hour of Code. Some schools organise Science and technology week to see experiments, attend lectures, and join awesome activities.

Conduct camping activities. Schools may also try coding camps for kids. It could be inside their schools or other locations like learning centres, museums, and science and technology laboratories. 

Connect with other code schools for kids. To prevent too many preparations, schools may have partnership and collaboration with code schools within their area. It enables school authorities to receive school STEM programs, coding classes, and incursions customised to their curriculums.  Besides that, code school for kids can also provide extracurricular activities for your learners to practice coding skills. 

How do you gather resources to teaching coding in schools?

Skill Samurai is a code school in Sydney, Australia, and they can help you prepare coding and computer science activities for your schools. Besides that, they can guide you in teaching coding in schools! It prevents you from facing long struggles of inserting coding into your curriculum. 

Skill Samurai is your helping hand to teach coding to your boys and girls age 7 to 18. Elementary schools and high schools can get a partnership with Skill Samurai.


Get started here.

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